is3 (is3) wrote,

They say the trolls may have contributed to the 2018 outbreak of measles in Europe that killed 72 people and infected more than 82,000 -- mostly in Eastern and Southeastern European countries known to have been targeted by Russia-based disinformation campaigns.

Joseph TellerJoseph Teller wrote the following post Sat, 16 Feb 2019 20:26:38 +0300
Reminder - whenever you see a post comment from the russiandiaspora delete and block them. They are the loathsome scum that were thrown out of the other pods for hate speech and worse. If everyone on a pod ignores them than NO ONE will see their filth, Smother their hate with silence.

#diaspora #health #humanism #infosec #metaprogramming #russia #russiandiaspora #specialservice #socialscience
Tags: #diaspora, #health, #humanism, #infosec, #metaprogramming, #russia, #russiandiaspora, #socialscience, #specialservice

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