is3 (is3) wrote,

raw day

Today is the RAW Day:
Remembering the Life and Words of Saint Mordecai the Foul, who left us on this day in 3173 YOLD.

Сегодня РАУ-день:
Вспоминаем Жизнь и Слово Святого Мордехая Нечистого, который оставил нас в этот день в 3173 году.

I Don't Know
Wavy Gravy once asked a Zen Roshi, "What happens after death?"
The Roshi replied, "I don't know."
Wavy protested, "But you're a Zen Master!"
"Yes," the Roshi admitted, "but I'm not a dead Zen Master."

#erisian #holiday #memory #memory #RAW
Tags: #erisian, #funoriginal, #holiday, #memory, #raw

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