is3 (is3) wrote,

with a holyday, Syaday today

Use 'ddate' to check your date:

Syaday is a holyday that occurs on the 5th day of Confusion. It is dedicated to the Apostle Sri Syadasti.

RUB-A-DUB-DUB O! Hail Eris. Blessed St. Hung Mung.
SYA-DASTI O! Hail Eris. Blessed St. Mo-jo.
SYA-DAVAK-TAVYA O! Hail Eris. Blessed St. Zara-thud.
SYA-DASTI SYA-NASTI O! Hail Eris. Blessed St. Elder Mal.
SYA-DASTI KAVAK-TAV-YASKA O! Hail Eris. Blessed St. Gu-lik.
SYA-DASTI, SYA-NASTI, SYA-DAVAK-TAV-YASKA O! Hail Eris. All Hail Dis-cord-ia.

It is then repeated indefinitely, or for the first two thousand miles, which ever comes first.

Unlike a song, chants are not sung but chanted. This particular one is much enhanced by the use of a Leader to chant the Sanskrit alone, with all participants chanting the English. It also behooves one to be in a quiet frame of mind and to be sitting in a still position, perhaps The Buttercup Position. It also helps if one is absolutely zonked out of his gourd.

Sri Syadasti Syadavaktavya Syadasti Syannasti Syadasti Cavaktavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavatavyasca Syadasti Syannasti Syadavaktavyasca

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