is3 (is3) wrote,

52 years ago, the Apollo 11 mission started, during which, over the next 8 days, representatives of humanity first visited the moon and returned to Earth. Many people question the government's version of the mission's history. After all, theoretically, if the distance from the Moon to the Earth is 384,399 kilometers, then the command module of the mission for all these 8 days would have to move at a speed of at least 4000 km/h in order to overcome such a distance back and forth. It is believed that the NASA spacecraft has chosen a special route of movement, Lunar Orbit Rendezvous (LOR), invented by Yuri Kondratyuk.
The most complete account of the LOR story from Houbolt’sstandpoint is Hansen’s Spaceflight Revolution (Chapter 8).On WvB, see interview by Sherrod, 19 November 1969, in:NASA/HD, HRC 13254. Houbolt was of course not the first tocome up with the idea for the Moon. The idea was apparentlyfirst suggested by Russian space advocate Yuriy Kondratyuk in1929: Asif A. Siddiqi, Challenge to Apollo, NASA, Washington,DC, 2000, pp. 475.
- from the notes of 🔗
His idea was to use the gravitational field of oncoming celestial bodies for additional acceleration or deceleration of a spacecraft during flight in the solar system (Gravity assist), as well as during flights to other planets, launch the spacecraft into the orbit of a satellite, and for landing on them humans and return to the ship to use a small take-off and landing ship (as was implemented in the framework of the Apollo mission). The Kondratyuk route:
Alexander Ignatievich Shargei was born in the city of Poltava in the family of a Russian Swede, Baroness Lyudmila Lvovna Shargei (nee Schlippenbach) and a Jew Ignatiy Benediktovich Shargei, baptized into Catholicism. After the October Revolution, as an officer in the tsarist army, he was mobilized into the White Army, but deserted from it. After Kiev was taken by the Red Army, he tried to go abroad on foot, but was detained and returned back. Fearing reprisals for his officer's past, with the help of his stepmother Elena Petrovna Giberman received documents in the name of Yuri Vasilyevich Kondratyuk - under this name he lived until the end of his life. After the start of World War II, Kondratyuk volunteered for the people's militia. According to the “Book of memory of those killed and missing in the Great Patriotic War. Volume 7 ", Kondratyuk Yuri Vasilyevich served in the 110th rifle division of the 33rd army as an assistant platoon commander of the 1291st rifle regiment, was buried near the village of Krivtsovo, Bolkhovsky district, Oryol region.
On this occasion, i visited the memorial complex not far from the place of death of Kondratyuk, took a photo on the monument.
It is noteworthy that Kondratyuk, being a native of the Swedish-German baronial family Von Schlippenbach, died under the onslaught of the offensive of the German fascist invaders, volunteering to defend the young Soviet homeland. And just 27 years after his death, his research was taken as the basis for the triumph of the Apollo space mission, led by SS Sturmbannführer, Baron Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun. It is worth noting that NASA has significantly simplified the Apollo profile picture: 🔗
Perhaps the NASA version does not represent the gravitational maneuver as clearly as the spirals in the Kondratyuk version show, but it seems that in its combined version it carries some simpler meanings in its laconicism:
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