Abkhazians of African descent or Afro-Abkhazians, also known as African Caucasians, were a small group of people of African descent in Abkhazia, who used to live mainly in the settlement Adzyubzha at the mouth of the Kodori River and the surrounding villages (Chlou, Pokvesh, Agdarra and Merkulov) on the eastern coast of the Black Sea in Eastern Europe.

Абха́зские не́гры, или кавка́зские не́гры, — небольшая расово-этническая негроидная группа абхазского народа, проживающая преимущественно в абхазском селении Адзюбжа в устье реки Кодор и окрестных сёлах Абхазии (Члоу, Поквеш, Агдарра, Меркула и др.).

Another legend tells about the dealings of Narts with certain "black-faced people" from the Horn of Africa. The legendary Narts are said to have come back to the Caucasus from a long African campaign with hundreds of African escorts, who remained in Abkhazia.

Другая легенда повествует о сношениях нартов и неких «чернолицых людей». По ней легендарные нарты вернулись на Кавказ из дальнего африканского похода с сотней провожатых-негров. Последние остались жить в Абхазии в селе Адзюбжа.

Nutsa Abash. Born on May 18, 1927. Graduated from medical school in Sukhumi, worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist. Was very famous in the USSR.
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