is3 (is3) wrote,

Behind the schoolgirl climate warrior lies a shadowy cabal of lobbyists, investors and energy companies seeking to profit from a green bonanza
PopularResistance.OrgPopularResistance.Org wrote the following post Sun, 02 Jun 2019 20:18:47 +0300
Greta’s Very Corporate Children’s Crusade
#^Greta’s Very Corporate Children’s Crusade

Greta Thunberg is just an ordinary 16-year-old Swedish schoolgirl whose fiery visions have convinced the parliaments of Britain and Ireland to declare a “climate emergency”. Greta’s parents, actor Svante Thunberg and opera singer Malena Ernman, are just an ordinary pair of parent-managers who want to save the planet. Query their motives, and you risk being accused of “climate denial”, or of bullying a vulnerable child with Asperger’s. But the Greta phenomenon has also involved green lobbyists, PR hustlers, eco-academics, and a think-tank founded by a wealthy ex-minister in Sweden’s Social Democratic government with links to the country’s energy companies.

Whatever Greta or her parents know or think, her eco-mob increases the likelihood of legislation and investment that will make colossal profits for people like Global Challenge, We Don’t Have Time and Sustainable Energy Angels. For Sweden’s energy titans, saving the planet means government contracts to print the green stuff. Green energy lobbyists use populist scare tactics and a children’s crusade to bypass elected representatives, but their goal is technocracy not democracy, profit not redistribution. Greta, a child of woke capitalism, is being used  to ease the transition to green corporatism.

#capitalism #climatecrisis #climatechange #climatestrike #cryptocolonialism #europe #fridaysforfuture #ecology #environment #greta #gretathunberg #hoax #infosec #metaprogramming #renewables #revision #popularresistance
Tags: #capitalism, #climatechange, #climatecrisis, #climatestrike, #cryptocolonialism, #ecology, #environment, #europe, #fridaysforfuture, #greta, #gretathunberg, #hoax, #infosec, #metaprogramming, #popularresistance, #renewables, #revision

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