is3 (is3) wrote,

Каменные круги над могилами были обнаружены на границе Гамбии и Сенегала.
В общей сложности известно не менее 1000 таких каменных колец:
giggles 108**giggles 108** wrote the following post Thu, 02 May 2019 23:32:03 +0300
The Phnom Penh Times

#Megalithic #StoneCircles Unveiled In #Senegal's Museum Of Black Civilizations

Published 8th April 2019

TODAY AFRICA - Megalithic Stone Circles unveiled in Senegal's Museum of Black Civilizations
by The Phnom Penh Times on YouTube

#africa #architecture #gambia #past #revision #senegal #timespace
Tags: #africa, #architecture, #gambia, #megalithic, #past, #revision, #senegal, #stonecircles, #timespace

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